connective tissue massage

The effective application of connective tissue massage creates a “lift” of the face. This will give your skin a fresh, vital appearance and make small imperfections fade. Practiced throughout Europe and widely regarded as an effective form of physical therapy and facial rejuvenation, Connective Tissue Massage is both an art and a science. Relax and unwind while facial features are being contoured and nourished.


reduce stress while SCULPTING features.

My goal is to bring life, vitality, and nutrients by increasing the circulation to the tissue. I want to release any blockages in the muscles, skin, and fascia that are preventing optimal circulation while releasing tension. When we release tension and restore optimal circulation, deep lines can soften, skin becomes rosy and plump again, worry and strain can melt from the face, leaving behind a lifted glow.


Thai Herbal Poultice


Crystal Healing